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Let me help you...

Connect withĀ Spirit

so you can

get the answers you're

seekingĀ and live from a

place of pure joy.Ā 

Let me help you...

Connect with Spirit

so you can

get the answers you're seeking
and live from a place of pure joy. 

Book a Session

Life can sometimes feel like an uphill battle...

Are you...

Feeling lost, powerless or unsure about your next steps?

Struggling in your relationship, break up or longing to feel more loved?

Missing your deceased loved one and longing to have one more conversation?

Tired of being held back by fears and old habits?

Wondering what your purpose is?

I get it. I've been in your shoes, my friend. 

Life is too precious to be this hard! 


I want you to know there is a way forward...

when you connect with Above, you can finally experience

an overflow of love, joy and spiritual connection...

and get all the guidance you need


4 Days of Fun & Connection with your Joy Guide 

move through difficulties and loss with certainty and faith.

As a 3rd family generation intuitive, my psychic mediumship and intuitive teaching gifts me to  connect with you Soul to Soul and bring you guidance and lasting healing from Heaven. 


Book a Session

Your Soul has all the answers you need.

Life is too short to struggle. I've helped thousands of people like you heal from loss and connect with their divine, sacred self - so they can take back their power.  I want you to experience that what you're doing is working and what to do next. 

Imagine what it would be like to soar beyond your boundaries and experience lasting peace, clarity and unconditional love. 

• Get the answers you need - so you know your next best steps. 
• Free yourself from limitations and transcend your deepest fears.
• Connect with your loved ones and know without a doubt they are still with you.  
• Partner with your Soul - so you can create miracles in your life. 
• Experience more love and understanding in your relationships.
• Open the door to a life lived in freedom - where you can confidently be the real you. 
• Experience heaven in your day-to-day life. 

How Can I Help You?

PrivateĀ Soul Sessions

Schedule your one-on-one session today to receive personal guidance and answers from Spirit - to help you heal and move forward with ease.Ā 

Schedule Now

OnlineĀ Courses

Want ongoing support? Enroll in one of my life-changing online courses to connect with your soul'sĀ purpose and create everlasting joy.

Learn More

Extraordinary Souls Community

Join my close-knit private community to get support and insights from me - all to help you heal and turn setbacks into triumphs.

Join Us Now

I'm Bunny

As a psychic medium and spiritual teacher, my mission is to guide you on your life’s journey - so you can live to the fullest on all levels.  I've experienced many of the feels you may have: grief, unworthiness, guilt, anguish, and devastation. And I know firsthand how healing and transformative Spirit's guidance is. 

I've worked professionally as a medium for many decades and have studied with many of the leading spiritual experts of our time, including world-renowned medium James Van Praagh (who I've been on stage with), acclaimed intuition expert Sonia Choquette, and leading medium Tony Stockwell. I've also attended the world's leading spiritual school, Arthur Findley College, and continue to study with AFC Tutor Andy Byng. I'm also a co-author of the international bestseller, The Last Breath. 


Meet Me

What People Are Saying

As a member of a mediumship development circle that Bunny has led with integrity and authenticity for over two years, Bunny’s deep connection with Spirit and her spiritual leadership skills have been a great source of inspiration and help from the start. Bunny has brought us all together into a circle that has helped us all reveal the depth of light within ourself. Bunny’s spiritual guidance, mediumship and insight have literally been life changing for me.
- Jonathon Hope
Bunny is a Beautiful Soul who connects with you at a deep grounded spaces and dances with your soul. I felt so elevated and joyful after my session with her. She listened to me and truly heard what I had to share about my wishes and dreams. Her psychic insight and guidance were exactly what I needed to know!
- Tanya Grace
My wife recently was diagnosed with some serious health issues. Bunny’s insights, both conventionally and from her Gifts and abilities were invaluable! Bunny can help many in all aspects of their lives.
- Matt Russell

You can get answers!

1. Book a Session

Just click on the button below and choose the type of session that you feel called towards. 

2. Connect with Spirit

We meet on Zoom or the phone and I tap into the higher realms and connect with the guidance in your soul. 

2. Move Forward with Clarity

Walk away with the healing, clarity and tools you need to create a life that lights you up. 

Get answers now